“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the
care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”  
- Thomas Edison

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The American Death Ceremony

Read Articles Below
Contributory Factors for
Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis,
Spinal Disc Disease, and Osteoporosis

Chlorine -
"Crippler and Killer"

Fosamax -
A Drug with Deadly Results

The Dangerous Side Effects of
Pain Killing Drugs

Drug Induced Nutrient Depletions



Nutrition For
The Human Machine!™

"Arthritis is a nutritional
deficiency disease.
If we all eat the
nutrients we need,
we can live out
our lives without
the misery of arthritis."
- Dr. Ruth Yale Long
Nutritional Education Association

Benefits of Using Private MD Lab Services™

Your Time is Valuable...That is why Private MD Lab Services™ streamlined its services to get important health information direct to you quickly, efficiently, and professionally. Their knowledgeable staff will expedite ordering, specimen collection and your receipt and interpretation of lab test results. In most cases, results are available online the day following specimen collection.

Private MD Lab Services™ is not intended to be a substitute for consultation with a physician or other appropriate health care provider, or annual physical examination. Private MD Lab Services™ tests are for your information.

* Stay Healthy

Tests can identify risk factors of disease-important information that can help you and your doctor target lifestyle changes.

* Detect disease early
Some diseases develop over time and produce no symptoms. Testing can help you identify these serious conditions early. In general, the longer a medical condition remains undetected and undiagnosed, the more difficult the treatment and the less chance for success.

* Clarify family history
Lab tests can confirm or rule out inherited conditions and if present, lab monitoring can guide corrective therapy.

* Participate in your healthcare
Arriving at your doctor's office with test results in hand and an understanding of those results will save time and allow for a more in-depth discussion of specific concerns.

* Obtain Peace of mind
"Normal" test results are significant. Your tests can help establish your "baseline" for future monitoring and to give you general information about your health. In addition, if you have made lifestyle changes to improve your health, you will want to know if your efforts have been successful!

* Maintain Privacy - no one else will see your test results!
Private MD Lab Services™ takes your right to privacy very seriously. Unless Private MD Lab Services™ has your permission or is required by law to release results to someone else (as in the case of some communicable diseases that have to be reported to the state department of health), only Private MD Lab Services™, their laboratory's professional staff and your medical consultants will see your results.

* Save money on insurance premiums
Prior to having blood tests related to insurance applications, verify that your laboratory profile is in the optimal ranges-if suboptimal, correct abnormalities like cholesterol, triglycerides or glucose prior to submission of official samples.

* Maintain an excellent health profile
Unfortunately, lab tests ordered by your physician become part of your permanent medical record and you may be forced to disclose it in certain circumstances-change in job, application for life, health and disability insurance and for other important life events. If known, many lab markers for future health concerns can be modified by simple lifestyle changes. Once optimized, your lab profile can become an aid instead of a hindrance in your permanent medical record.

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The information provided on this web site is for informational purposes and is not intended to replace the advice, diagnosis, or treatment recommendations of a physician, or other healthcare professional. Live Well Naturally™ does not provide physical or occupational therapy, or any other medical services or advice through the Internet. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional.